Yes, you're absolutely right.

About your conclusion that " the lyrics *are* part of the description of how vocal music is to be sung" I would even be more sincere:
There is no music without the lyrics. The music that is above it is only a rythmic and melodic description on how the lyrics have to be sung. :)

Still I am no step further to a solution. I even got to a point now that lilypond is giving no more error when parsing.
But it doesn't print lyrics either...

my code now looks like this:

\score {
\new ChoirStaff {

\notes <<

\new Staff {
\key g \major
\time 3/4
\context Voice = melodietwee \relative c' {
\partial 4 s4 | s 2.*15 | s2

d4 | g g8 a g fis | e4 e e | a4 a8 b a g | fis4 d d | b'4 b8 c b a |
g4 e d8 d | e4 a fis | g2 d4 | g g g | fis2 fis4 | g fis e | d2 a'4 |
b4 a8 a g g | d'4 d, d8 d | e4 a fis | b g c | a d b
\context Lyrics = stemeenlyrics { s1 }

\new Staff {
\notes {
\key g \major
\time 3/4
\context Voice = stemtwee \relative c' {
\partial 4 s4 | s 2.*15 | s2

d4 | g, b d | e e8 d c b | a4 c e | fis fis8 e d c | b4 d fis |
g g8 fis e d | c4 a d | g,2 d'4 | g,8 a b c d e | fis4. e8 d4 |
b2 cis4 | d2 a'4 | b a g | d' d, d | e a fis | b g c | a d b

\context Lyrics = stemtweelyrics { s1 }

\lyrics <<
\lyricsto "melodietwee" \context Lyrics = stemeenlyrics {
We wish you a mer -- ry Christ -- mas, we wish you a
mer -- ry Christ -- mas, we wish you a mer -- ry Christ -- mas
and a hap -- py new year. Glad ti -- dings we bring to you and your kin.
We wish you a mer -- ry Christ -- mas and a hap -- py new year.
\lyricsto "stemtwee" \context Lyrics = stemtweelyrics {
We wish you a mer -- ry Christ -- mas, we wish you a
mer -- ry Christ -- mas, we wish you a mer -- ry Christ -- mas
and a hap -- py new year. Glad ti -- dings we bring to you and your kin.
We wish you a mer -- ry Christ -- mas and a hap -- py new year.


\paper { \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext }



Even after tweaking, it doesn't render lyrics...

I tried to put the lyrics outside of the Choirstaff context. Didn't work because of "braces don't match"
Removing the \lyrics << ... >> resulted in: Having to be in lyrics mode.

I just don't understand this. I only want two staves with each one line of lyrics... It can't be that difficult...

Any one ??



On 21-okt-04, at 11:50, Arvid Grøtting wrote:


Musically [lyrics] are a part of one staff.

IMHO, in the general case they belong to a voice, not to a staff. In some "special cases" (actually, in some very common cases), e.g. one voice per staff or the same rythm in all voices on a staff, this is equivalent to their being part of a staff. In the case of the same rythm in all voices, they could even belong to the ChoirStaff context, logically.

Other than that, I agree.  I quite miss a stronger and more logical
binding between lyrics and music; after all, the lyrics *are* part of
the description of how vocal music is to be sung.



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