David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> writes:

> Pierre-Luc Gauthier <p.luc.gauth...@gmail.com> writes:
>> When one remaps note names like that, is it also possible to map midi
>> notes to those names?
>> Could there be sort of a assignment somewhere between the note (e.g.
>> dsm or dslapmute) and the midi note (e.g. note 62 on channel 10)?
>> I did not find documentation on the subject.
> It would appear that midiDrumPitches are used for initializing
> drumPitchTable in some context in ly/performer-init.ly so it should be
> possible to add stuff to drumPitchTable in a similar manner and then

I mean, "... to midiDrumPitches in a similar manner ..."

> create a new drumPitchTable context property from it for some suitable
> context.
> You need to dig through the respective files to find all the information
> I guess.

David Kastrup

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