When one remaps note names like that, is it also possible to map midi
notes to those names?
Could there be sort of a assignment somewhere between the note (e.g.
dsm or dslapmute) and the midi note (e.g. note 62 on channel 10)?
I did not find documentation on the subject.
Last week I transcribed Anderson's "The Typewriter" so this thread is
relevant to me.
Here is my MWE :
\version "2.18.2"
\header {
title = \markup {\smallCaps "The Data Typewriter"}
composer = \markup {\smallCaps "LaJoy Randallson"}
#(define typewriter '((key default #f 0)
(cr default #f -2)
(bell default #f 2)))
drumPitchNames.key = #'key
drumPitchNames.cr = #'cr
drumPitchNames.bell = #'bell
% The "key" note should use the midi note 70 or Maracas
% The "carriage return: note should use the midi note 74 or Long Guiro
% The "bell" note should use the midi note 81 or Open Triangle
percussionI = \drummode {
\override Staff.StaffSymbol.line-positions = #'(0)
\override Staff.BarLine.bar-extent = #'(-2 . 2)
\set DrumStaff.drumStyleTable = #(alist->hash-table typewriter)
key8\f^"Typewriter key click" key key key key key key key |
key key key key key4 key8 key |
key key key key key key key key |
bell4\laissezVibrer^"Bell" r cr->_"Carriage return" r |
percussionIPart =
\new DrumStaff {
\new DrumVoice {
\score {
\layout {}
\midi {}
Pierre-Luc Gauthier
\version "2.18.2"
\header {
title = \markup {\smallCaps "The Data Typewriter"}
composer = \markup {\smallCaps "LaJoy Randallson"}
#(define typewriter '((key default #f 0)
(cr default #f -2)
(bell default #f 2)))
drumPitchNames.key = #'key
drumPitchNames.cr = #'cr
drumPitchNames.bell = #'bell
% The "key" note should use the midi note 70 or Maracas
% The "carriage return: note should use the midi note 74 or Long Guiro
% The "bell" note should use the midi note 81 or Open Triangle
percussionI = \drummode {
\override Staff.StaffSymbol.line-positions = #'(0)
\override Staff.BarLine.bar-extent = #'(-2 . 2)
\set DrumStaff.drumStyleTable = #(alist->hash-table typewriter)
key8\f^"Typewriter key click" key key key key key key key |
key key key key key4 key8 key |
key key key key key key key key |
bell4\laissezVibrer^"Bell" r cr->_"Carriage return" r |
percussionIPart =
\new DrumStaff {
\new DrumVoice {
\score {
\layout {}
\midi {}
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