On 2016-03-06 15:10, Eric Albert wrote:
I've been working from Leigh Verlag's page on faking a Real Book page
in LilyPond (thanks to Kieren for the link):
That page answers many of my questions. I still have some font
questions. Please forgive my ignorance of both LilyPond (this is my
first project) and fonts in general (no experience other than changing
fonts inside a Microsoft Word document).
Can I use any jazz character font set with LilyPond? Or is there a
magic order that the symbols need to be in?
Music fonts are not very well standardized. The only layout standard is
SMuFL, which was developed in 2013 -- too new to be used in LilyPond,
Sibelius, or Finale. The consequence is that in general, you can't take
a music font intended for one program and use it in another because
different programs expect different layouts. The Jazz Font plug won't
fit into the LilyPond socket, and you'll have to use an adaptor.
The Jazz Font website claims compatibility with Sibelius and Finale. To
my knowledge, I don't think anyone has written a LilyPond adaptor for
one of those two formats.
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