Hi Kieren,

Wow, that's a great help! I hadn't thought it was possible to emulate the 
"title on bar lines" look. I can see LilyPond is *extremely* customizable.

-- Eric

>Hi Eric,
>You might want to look at
>Hope this helps!
>On Mar 4, 2016, at 8:25 PM, Eric Albert <e...@ericalbert.net> wrote:
>> I'm interested in creating jazz lead sheets in LilyPond. Here's an example 
>> of what I'd like (scroll down for "On the Sunny Side of the Street"):
>> http://graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/questions/31184/what-are-the-common-fonts-used-in-music
>> How much of the look and feel of this ("(SWING)", title, authors, clef, time 
>> signature, notes, rests, chord names, etc.) can I reasonably expect to 
>> re-create in LilyPond?
>> If it *is* possible to recreate much or all of this, how? That is, do I need 
>> to buy/find a single font? A set of fonts? Do something else entirely?
>> One possibility I've found is JazzFont (to view the complete character sets, 
>> click on "KEYSTROKES" in the rightmost blue box on the second line of boxes 
>> in the top center of the page, then click on "Jazzfont for Windows", which 
>> is down a bit on the right):
>>  www.jazzfont.com
>> If I were to buy JazzFont for Windows, could I use it with LilyPond to help 
>> with my goal above? (I'm running Windows 7 Pro.) 
>> Answers to the above, or pointers to some completely different approach, or 
>> telling me it's not possible are all welcome.
>> Thanks!
>> -- Eric
>Kieren MacMillan, composer
>‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
>‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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