On Sat 27 Feb 2016 at 11:04:54 (-0400), William Marchant wrote: > Thanks to all who replied WRT my problem. I have much to learn yet about > voices. Thanks again.
Don't take the advice to avoid using \new Voice because without this construct, you'll struggle to scale your music up to any non-trivial task. Allowing LP to instantiate contexts automatically is a boon when posting snippets, but I think it's a mistake to write any real music that way. There's no advantage inputting \version anywhere but near the top of the file, as you did. Likewise, most people will put \language there because they write all their notes in one language. However, it has to be usable anywhere because you are free to change language at any point (if, for example, including someone else's work). I wrote that you might lay out (not layout) your source more clearly. I've coerced your snippet into something more like the style I use myself. (If you eschew "" as much as I do, beware of writing, say, Staff = s1 because s1 is a whole-note skip. I just don't like the way my syntax higlighter displays "strings". You're setting a melody, but slicing and dicing it prevents you from, say, printing individual parts, using a different instrument in the midi, etc and is harder to read and check, especially in \relative mode. LP is gradually improving in its ability to separate content and layout, so it's worth taking advantage of this ability. Cheers, David.
\version "2.18.2" %%\version "2.19.36" \language "english" \header { tagline = ##f %% Lets me crop the snippet for posting } %% the structure of the piece global = { \key d \major \time 4/4 s1 % M 1 \time 2/4 s2 % M 2 \time 4/4 s4 % ... % M 3 %% ... %%\bar "|." } %% the melodic lines sopi = \relative { e''4 d8 e16 c!~ c4 b8 c16 a16~ | % M 1 a4 g16 fs8. | % M 2 %% ... } sopii = \relative { g'4 g8. e16~ e4 d8. d16~ | % M 1 d4 d | % M 2 %% ... } %% the lyrics sopitext = \lyricmode { Oo... } sopiitext = \lyricmode { Ah... } %% the layout \score { \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff = staff << \clef treble { \global } \new Voice = vsi { \voiceOne \sopi } %%\addlyrics \with { alignAboveContext = staff } { \sopitext } % 2.19.36 syntax \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = staff } \lyricsto vsi { \sopitext } \new Voice { \voiceTwo \sopii } \addlyrics { \sopiitext } >> \new Staff = staff << \clef bass { \global } %% ... >> >> \layout { } \midi{ } }
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