On 16-02-26 07:22 PM, William Marchant wrote:
Hi All,
I have attached a snippet of code which shows a problem I have encountered. Notice that in the first measure in Voice One, there is a c16 tied to a c4, and below in Voice Two an e16 tied to e4. This I expected. Note however, at the end of the first measure while the e16 is tied to the e4 in the next measure, the d16 below it is not tied to the e4. As far as I can see the syntax is the same for both events, but the result is different. Different Voices? Different Times? Possible Bug? Can someone throw any light on this for me?

I believe your problem comes from canceling the separate voices with \oneVoice at your time changes. Here is a version which gets closer to correct output, although there is a nasty collision between the tie and time signature.

\version "2.18.2"
\language "english"

melody = \relative c' {
  \key d \major
    \new Voice \voiceOne {
      e'4 d8 e16 c!~ c4 b8 c16 a16~   \time 2/4  a4 g16 fs8.
    \new Voice \voiceTwo {
      g4 g8. e16~ e4 d8.     d16~    \time 2/4  d4  d

\score {


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