On Tue, 2016-02-16 at 19:27 -0500, Ben Strecker wrote:

> Graham,
> Have you tried putting each score inside it’s own \bookpart?
> The documentation for ragged-last-bottom says:
> ragged-last-bottom
>         If this is set to false, then the last page, and the last page
>         in each section created with a \bookpart block, will be
>         vertically justified in the same way as the earlier pages.
> If I’m reading that correctly, that means that unless each score is in
> a bookpart, ragged-last-bottom only applies to the very last page.
> Ben

Thanks Ben, 
that will be useful once I've found a solution to the immediate problem:
defining and using a variable within \book{} or \bookpart{} or
\book[part]{ \score { }}

        \version "2.19.35"
        \book {
          music = \relative { c' d e f }
          \score {

(In case you were suggesting that I use \bookpart{} within
book-titling.ily, I've tried that too and it throws a lot of
"unrecognised string" errors.)

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