Greetings All,

Having searched rather thoroughly through the archives, I understand
that the issue of grace notes within voice contexts is a perenial one.
Unfortunately, the Known Issues and Warnings does not address my
problem, and the example is, to my mind, incredibly contrived. At the
root of my problem is that the grace notes in my example appear on the
downbeat, so there is no rest or note to insert between any \voice and
\grace command. Any thoughts on how I might rectify this situation
would be greatly appreciated! Below is the code, and the output is

Hwaen Ch'uqi

\version "2.18.2"

  \score {
      \new PianoStaff <<
        \new Staff {
          \relative c' {
            \key es \major \time 3/4 \clef treble
                g'8 f g4 g %1A
                \grace <bes, g>8~\arpeggio <bes g>2 \grace {  <bes 
g>8~\arpeggio  }
<bes g>4 %1B
        \new Staff {
          \relative c' {
            \key es \major \time 3/4 \clef bass
                g8 f g4 <bes, g'> %1A
                \grace <es,, es'>8~\arpeggio <es es'>2 \grace {  <es 
 } <es es'>4 %1B
                bes''2 s4 %1C
                s2. %1D

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