Dear all,

in a recent question on this list [1] about \super in markup text, all
three replies suggested to tweak the vertical position of superscripts
by hand because the default is obviously too high.

I compared the Lilypond result of \super and \sub to the equivalents in
LaTeX (because who would doubt that LaTeX is wrong in such a question)
and indeed LaTeX makes a different choice when using \textsuperscript
and \textsubscript.

Of course LilyPond's emphasis is on beautiful music notation, but I
think also text parts of scores should look good. Therefore, I would
like to propose the following change to scm/define-markup-commands.scm:

- raise the superscript by 0.8 instead of 1.0
- lower the subscript by -0.4 instead of -0.75

The result can be seen in the attached figures:
- latex.png shows how LaTeX would format it
- lily.png shows the LilyPond default (Lilypond) and the above proposal

If you agree and there are chances to get this into LilyPond, I would
prepare a patch.


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