> >> I would hazard a guess that the sizing is handled by rendering SVG ?
> the whole point of which is that is is scalable and resizeable ? output
> from whatever engraving program Henle uses. I doubt that the app is doing
> engraving on the fly.
> > Well, they claim:
> >       ? you can change the number and size of staves per screen;
> >       ? you can add or remove the solo parts the piano score in chamber
> music;
> > etc.
> >
> > Sounds like more than just SVG-scaling going on.
> But I still can't imagine they ported Amadeus to iOS ;-)
> This isn't necessary only scaling, but maybe they manage to "package"
> groups such like staves or measures so they can be hidden/handled
> group-wise?

>       ? you can change the number and size of staves per screen;
>       ? you can add or remove the solo parts the piano score in chamber

These features don't require anything beyond showing/hiding/rescaling
so I don't see any evidence that there is any internal musical
representation in the app.

It is more revealing to consider what their app does not offer, which seems
like it would be low-handing fruit if they did have a fluid musical
representation: number of measures per line, transposition (or change
clefs), and MIDI playback (maybe not so low-hanging.)

This isn't meant as a criticism.  In fact, it sounds like it could be a
great app.
The features with fingerings/bowings seems pretty sophisticated.

I wonder if they will ever let third parties publish to their app.

David Elaine Alt
415 . 341 .4954                                           "*Confusion is
highly underrated*"
skype: flaming_hakama
Producer ~ Composer ~ Instrumentalist
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