Hi Boris,

The Henle app is done by Touchpress, a software house, not an engraving firm. I 
would hazard a guess that the sizing is handled by rendering SVG – the whole 
point of which is that is is scalable and resizeable – output from whatever 
engraving program Henle uses. I doubt that the app is doing engraving on the 

So in fact, this sort of architecture would make it possible to render lilypond 
engraving on a tablet in a similar way.


On 26/01/2016, 09:11, "Boris Lau" 
<lilypond-user-bounces+andrew.bernard=gmail....@gnu.org on behalf of 
m...@borislau.de> wrote:

Any idea what they use for engraving? Given the features for changing 
staff sizes as well as individual note and fingerings, it's probably 
done on-the-fly...

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