In the following two-bar snippet, I used \voiceOne and \voiceTwo to
place Tenor and Lead vocal lines on a single staff. The Tenor has a
tied-over note, whose notehead collides at the beginning of the second
bar with the Lead note, one step away. LilyPond places the Lead note
inside of the Tenor tie, which I find rather hard to read. I have tried
\tieDown, which is a bit better but it has the tie crossing through the
Lead stem. It seems that the best layout would have the Tenor note to
the left of the Lead note, so that there is no interleaving of Lead
note inside the Tenor tie. I cannot find a way to accomplish this with
\voiceOne and \voiceTwo, nor have I thought of another layout that would
be readable. I would prefer to avoid a change in the voice structure,
which would complicate the alignment with lyrics.

Thanks for any ideas,

Mike O'Donnell

------------------------------------------- Snippet below this line

\version "2.18.2"

\sourcefilename ""

timeKey = {

\key c \major
\time 4/4


tenorPart = {

r2 e'8 c'4. ~ |

c'4. r8 f'2 |


leadPart = {

e'2 c'2 |

d'2 a2 |


tenorWords = \lyricmode {

My girl


leadWords = \lyricmode {

Hold me, Love me


\bookpart { \score {

  \new ChoirStaff \with {
      systemStartDelimiter = #'SystemStartBar
    } <<

     \new Lyrics = "tenorLyrics" \with {
       alignAboveContext = "staff"
       \override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-affinity = #DOWN

    \new Staff = "tenorlead" { << { \timeKey \clef "treble_8" }
      \new Voice = "tenor" { <<
        { \tenorPart \bar "|." }
      >> }

     \new Voice = "lead" { <<
        { \leadPart \bar "|." }
      >> }

    >> }

    \new Lyrics = "leadLyrics"
    \context Lyrics = "tenorLyrics" \lyricsto "tenor" \tenorWords
    \context Lyrics = "leadLyrics" \lyricsto "lead" \leadWords


} }

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