Am 25.01.2016 um 10:00 schrieb Robert Schmaus:
> One more thought: My original approach of simply \include-ing LilyJAZZ should 
> be the standard way of using it. Which makes me think, that there's either 
> something missing in LilyJAZZ to work in v2.19 ... or a bug in Lilypond. 
> Shouldn't I notify the bug team of this and if so, how do I do that?
> Best, 
> Robert

including LilyJAZZ is not a LilyPond feature but a function provided by
The approach taken there is known to be not fully comprehensive.

The approach taken by openLilyLib's Stylesheet library is substantially
different as it transparently replaces the font loaded by LilyPond itself.


>> On 24 Jan 2016, at 23:33, Urs Liska <> wrote:
>>> Am 24.01.2016 um 23:01 schrieb Urs Liska:
>>> Am 24. Januar 2016 22:56:56 MEZ, schrieb Robert Schmaus 
>>> <>:
>>>> Dear Lilyponders,
>>>> I usually engrave jazz lead sheets using LilyJazz, and I've noticed the
>>>> following odd behaviour: If I tie a note across a manual line break,
>>>> and 
>>>> the note has an accidental, then the LilyJazz font is not applied to
>>>> the 
>>>> accidental of the continued note after the line break.
>>>> The following snippet shows this:
>>> Did you try the alternative approach using openLilyLib's Stylesheets 
>>> library?
>>> Urs
>> OK, just checked it.
>> Provided you have
>> - LilyJAZZ "installed" in LilyPond's font directory
>> - openLilyLib and its /ly subdirectory in LilyPond's include path
>> then
>> \include "openlilylib"
>> \useLibrary Stylesheets
>> \useNotationFont LilyJAZZ
>> will make your example work properly. You should remove the \jazzOn.
>> HTH
>> Urs
>>>> % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>>>> \version "2.19.34"
>>>> \include "LilyJAZZ.ily" % <-- path to LilyJAZZ file ...
>>>> \score {
>>>>  \new Staff {
>>>>    \key ees \major
>>>>    \time 4/4
>>>>    \jazzOn
>>>>    \relative c'' {
>>>>      < des e, fis, >1 ~
>>>>      \break
>>>>      q8
>>>>    }
>>>>  }
>>>> }
>>>> % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>>>> I tried this (on a Mac) with v2.19.18 and 2.19.34. I also tried it with
>>>> 2.18.2, where the issue doesn't come up because the accidentals are not
>>>> shown after the line break.
>>>> Does anyone know of a way to fix this? Maybe there's a new additional 
>>>> accidental type that I need to set? Right now, I have overrides on the 
>>>> objects Staff.Accidental, Staff.AccidentalCautionary, and 
>>>> Staff.AccidentalSuggestion. Is there a new one in v2.19? I didn't find 
>>>> any in the internals reference ...
>>>> If it can't be fixed easily, how can I turn off the accidental after 
>>>> break? I tried
>>>> \override Staff.Accidental.after-line-breaking = ##f
>>>> but that didn't change anything.
>>>> Any help would be appreciated!
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Cheers, Robert
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