Am 24.01.2016 um 23:01 schrieb Urs Liska:
> Am 24. Januar 2016 22:56:56 MEZ, schrieb Robert Schmaus 
> <>:
>> Dear Lilyponders,
>> I usually engrave jazz lead sheets using LilyJazz, and I've noticed the
>> following odd behaviour: If I tie a note across a manual line break,
>> and 
>> the note has an accidental, then the LilyJazz font is not applied to
>> the 
>> accidental of the continued note after the line break.
>> The following snippet shows this:
> Did you try the alternative approach using openLilyLib's Stylesheets library?
> Urs

OK, just checked it.

Provided you have
- LilyJAZZ "installed" in LilyPond's font directory
- openLilyLib and its /ly subdirectory in LilyPond's include path

\include "openlilylib"
\useLibrary Stylesheets
\useNotationFont LilyJAZZ

will make your example work properly. You should remove the \jazzOn.


>> % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>> \version "2.19.34"
>> \include "LilyJAZZ.ily" % <-- path to LilyJAZZ file ...
>> \score {
>>   \new Staff {
>>     \key ees \major
>>     \time 4/4
>>     \jazzOn
>>     \relative c'' {
>>       < des e, fis, >1 ~
>>       \break
>>       q8
>>     }
>>   }
>> }
>> % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>> I tried this (on a Mac) with v2.19.18 and 2.19.34. I also tried it with
>> 2.18.2, where the issue doesn't come up because the accidentals are not
>> shown after the line break.
>> Does anyone know of a way to fix this? Maybe there's a new additional 
>> accidental type that I need to set? Right now, I have overrides on the 
>> objects Staff.Accidental, Staff.AccidentalCautionary, and 
>> Staff.AccidentalSuggestion. Is there a new one in v2.19? I didn't find 
>> any in the internals reference ...
>> If it can't be fixed easily, how can I turn off the accidental after 
>> break? I tried
>> \override Staff.Accidental.after-line-breaking = ##f
>> but that didn't change anything.
>> Any help would be appreciated!
>> Thanks,
>> Cheers, Robert
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