David, et al.,

The \transposition command would seem do what I want, except that I’ve 
discovered belatedly that LilyPond’s midi output doesn’t seem to respect 
repeats at all. Is this true?

I compiled the following little file using \transposition as I think you 

music = {c'4 d' e' f' \transposition c''}

\score {
    \repeat volta 2 \music
    \transposition c' c' e' d' f'
  \layout {}
  \midi {}

The pdf output contained the music I hoped for but the midi output does not 
contain the second measure of this three-measure opus.

Incidentally, I don’t see where the \transposition command is documented. I do 
see documentation for \transpose, which is similar but not useful in this 

John Gourlay

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