On Sat, Jan 09, 2016 at 12:11:48AM -0600, msk...@ansuz.sooke.bc.ca wrote:
> On Fri, 8 Jan 2016, Christopher R. Maden wrote:
> > Generally, once you get into any kind of moderately complicated
> > score, you have to concoct your score and MIDI separately, e.g.:
> >
> > theTune = c c c c
> > theScore = \repeat volta 2 { \theTune }
> > theMidi = \theTune \transpose c c' \theTune
> > \score{ \theScore \layout{} }
> > \score{ \theMidi \midi{} }
> This is pretty much exactly what I do for a similar instruction in an
> original ragtime piece.
> It's a shame that LilyPond's requirement to completely evaluate music
> expressions immediately, and therefore once and for all, forces this
> kind of thing on us.  The natural thing to want to do would be to have
> an "if (MIDI) { }" kind of construction at the point in the music
> where there's a difference; but that's simply impossible the way
> LilyPond currently works.  And so anyone who wants both a printed
> score and MIDI is forced to write the whole thing twice over,
> attempting to keep the two versons updated relative to each other by
> hand, with the ability to share code only at the lowest levels of the
> hierarchy.

This is not really true. What I usually do is something like this:

        music = <<
                \new Staff {
                        a1 b c
                        \tag #'midi { a8 r b r c r }
                        \tag #'layout { a4-. b-. c-. }

        \score {
                \removeWithTag #'midi \music
                \layout {}
        \score {
                \removeWithTag #'layout \music
                \midi {}

The \tag #'layout and \tag #'midi lines basically behave like an if
(MIDI) block. This lets you intersperse layout-specific and
midi-specific stuff in the same place, so that you don't forget to
update one after editing the other.


The richest man is not he who has the most, but he who needs the least.

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