All of the cue examples I’ve seen so far seem to only contain one voice, but 
it’s not uncommon to see cues containing the notes from multiple parts.  If the 
different parts have the same rhythm, it works nicely to just create a 
polyphonic quote:

\addQuote #”Two Voice Cue” {<< \partI \partII >>}

and later

\cueDuring #”Two Voice Cue” #DOWN ...

but many issues come about when rhythms differ (see example below).  I can take 
the time to make everything look good using \new CueVoice, but this makes a 
fair amount of extra work since I can’t (that I know of) just pull the music 
from the separate parts.

Any suggestions?


%%% polyphonic cues
partI = \relative c' { r2 r8 e8 g a bes1 a  }
partII = \relative c'' {r2 r2 g2 ~ g8 c, d-. e-. f1}

\addQuote #"Cue Test" { << \partI \partII >>}

\relative c'' {
  r2 \cueDuring #"Cue Test" #DOWN {r2 R1 r8 c8 d e f2}

\version "2.19.32"
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