Hi all,

right now I'm preparing a new blog post introducing a wonderful new
notation font Abraham created upon my suggestion. As it is targeting a
specific repertoire I would like to publish it on January 1st and spice
it up with the first free edition of a short song cycle of an eminent
composer just running out of copyright. This will then also be made
available on Mutopia and IMSLP.

Probably I won't have enough time to finish everything alone so I'd be
happy if two or three people could help me with the music entry (and
maybe other things that will turn out to be necessary). As this request
is mainly targeting "time-to-delivery" I can't spend significant amounts
of time for helping contributors with

  * Git set-up and Git workflows
  * Submitting an SSH key to Gitlab
  * installing an additional notation font
  * installing openLilyLib.

Nevertheless I'd be happy if you could get in touch with me privately.


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