Sorry for noise.
On 06.12.2015 16:48, Simon Albrecht wrote:
On 06.12.2015 16:47, Simon Albrecht wrote:
From studying Bach’s Clavierübung III from a first edition facsimile
[1] I am well aware of the conventions.
Forgot the footnote:
On 06.12.2015 16:40, BB wrote:
In 18th century music-writing, an accidental was not in effect for
an entire measure but applied only to the note immediately following
the accidental.
If this were true, we could indeed just use \accidentalStyle forget.
But there are the two exceptions, which I already described in my
initial post. Sigh.
This has caused some confusion in many editions. Bach occasionally
forgot to write the accidentals himself and added them later below
the notes when there was not room to write them before the notes.
Often it has nothing to do with him ‘forgetting’ the accidentals, but
with saving space.
But I’m less interested in discussing the notational convention. My
request was about the technical implementation, in case you didn’t
Yours, Simon
On 06.12.2015 16:35, Simon Albrecht wrote:
On 06.12.2015 16:28, BB wrote:
May be like this?
\version "2.19.32"
\relative {
%\accidentalStyle baroque
\accidentalStyle dodecaphonic
dis'4 cis dis fis
\accidentalStyle default
dis d cis c
dis dis e
} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
My goodness, that was an _example_! No, the whole point of this is
to _not_ make any changes to the actual music, but having _one_
accidental style to do it automatically. Else I’d be using explicit
accidentals, but that’s tedious and inflexible.
Yours, Simon
On 06.12.2015 16:12, Simon Albrecht wrote:
On 06.12.2015 15:59, BB wrote:
I am not sure what you want to get.
What I want is not one of the accidental styles already
available, as may be read from the word ‘custom’.
Let me give an example: this
\version "2.19.32"
\relative {
\accidentalStyle baroque
dis'4 cis dis fis
dis d cis c
dis dis e
should print accidentals on all notes except for the last two. In
other words, it should behave like forget in the first measure
(i.e. not remember the dis), and from there on like default (i.e.
distinguish chromatic pitches, and drop the accidental on
subsequent notes with identical pitch). (The last note only shows
that it’s not dodecaphonic what I want.)
Yours, Simon
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