Marc Hohl <> writes:

> Am 24.11.2015 um 00:12 schrieb Thomas Morley:
> [...]
>> So,
>> commit b416f10429d8d3881445d9000ff422dc67176df1
>> Author: David Kastrup <>
>> Date:   Wed Jul 15 23:30:30 2015 +0200
>>      Issue 3693: Let Percent_repeat_iterator be unfazed by Timing changes
>>      There is still one shortcoming: the percent repeats will not contain any
>>      material apart from the percent itself.  In particular, no Timing
>>      changes will be repeated.  If there are meter changes or \partial
>>      commands inside of percent repeats, they need to occur in parallel
>>      passages outside of any percent repeat, if necessary in a separate
>>      "timing track".
>> is indeed the problem.
> Thanks for your work on this issue!

And for me in creating it.

>> Now it would be nice I'd could come up with a tiny example...
>> Though, very strange things happen, like:
>> assume with
>> foo = { some-music }
>> buzz = { some-other-music }
>> and
>> with
>> \include ""
>> \score {
>>    <<
>>    \new Staff \foo
>>    \new Staff \buzz
>>    >>
>> compiling causes a segfault.
>> commenting \new Staff \buzz still causes a segfault
>> additional commenting(!!!!!) buzz = { some-other-music } in,
>> and the segfault disappears!!!
>> But it's not consistent! It depends what else is defined in those files.
> Yep. Moreover, if I removed some notes from buzz, the segfault
> disappeared, but adding one single note causes Lilypond to crash,
> and we talk about scores with 3-5 pages or even less.

Garbage collection errors tend to behave somewhat erratically.

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David Kastrup

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