Am 24.11.2015 um 00:12 schrieb Thomas Morley:

commit b416f10429d8d3881445d9000ff422dc67176df1
Author: David Kastrup <>
Date:   Wed Jul 15 23:30:30 2015 +0200

     Issue 3693: Let Percent_repeat_iterator be unfazed by Timing changes

     There is still one shortcoming: the percent repeats will not contain any
     material apart from the percent itself.  In particular, no Timing
     changes will be repeated.  If there are meter changes or \partial
     commands inside of percent repeats, they need to occur in parallel
     passages outside of any percent repeat, if necessary in a separate
     "timing track".

is indeed the problem.

Thanks for your work on this issue!

Now it would be nice I'd could come up with a tiny example...

Though, very strange things happen, like:

assume with

foo = { some-music }
buzz = { some-other-music }

and with

\include ""
\score {
   \new Staff \foo
   \new Staff \buzz

compiling causes a segfault.
commenting \new Staff \buzz still causes a segfault
additional commenting(!!!!!) buzz = { some-other-music } in,
and the segfault disappears!!!
But it's not consistent! It depends what else is defined in those files.

Yep. Moreover, if I removed some notes from buzz, the segfault disappeared, but adding one single note causes Lilypond to crash,
and we talk about scores with 3-5 pages or even less.

No idea how to boil it down to a small example.

Sorry for the initial wrong info,

No problem at all – thanks for your time and work!



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