Am 18.11.2015 um 15:41 schrieb Federico Bruni:
> Il giorno mer 18 nov 2015 alle 13:21, Urs Liska <>
> ha scritto:
>> One question, regarding the Wiki page as well as the process in general:
>> Running Frescobaldi from Git needs a number of other dependencies to
>> be met.
>> Am I right to assume that the suggested approach will work when
>> Frescobaldi has previously been installed a different way? If so this
>> should be clearly stated on the Wiki page.
> You are right. I gave it for granted, but it should be stated.
> I've updated the page pointing to INSTALL.


>> There are two more things that should be added, but I can do that when
>> I'll find time:
>> - How to update through Git
> done


>> - Use the "Git" menu to checkout different branches
> Do you mean the Github branch button?
> I'll leave this to you when you have time.

I mean the "Git" menu that Frescobaldi has when run from Git. This lists
all branches that are available in your Frescobaldi repository, even
when you have acquired branches from others' forks (but so far it
doesn't do any fetching for you). Clicking on an item checks out that
branch and offers the option to restart Frescobaldi from that branch.

I thought this would be cool as a way to test branches from pull
requests. Unfortunately I didn't find a proper way to pull stuff from
the server (things break when the user's Git set-up requires manual
interaction, e.g. for passwords).


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