Am 18.11.2015 um 13:18 schrieb Federico Bruni:
> Il giorno sab 14 nov 2015 alle 23:36, Simon Albrecht
> <> ha scritto:
>> It is a feature of Python (in which frescobaldi is written) that a
>> program needn’t be compiled/installed to be run. You need to
>> 1. get the source files for frescobaldi and python-ly from
>> <>, either by downloading
>> <>
>> and <> or using
>> ‘git clone’ and checking out the ‘manuscript-viewer’ branch.
>> 2. add the following three lines to ~/.bashrc, where
>> path/to/python-ly and path/to/frescobaldi are the paths to the
>> respective directories:
>> # add python-ly to PYTHONPATH
>> PYTHONPATH=path/to/python-ly:$PYTHONPATH
>> alias frescobaldi='path/to/frescobaldi/frescobaldi'
>> 3. and then you can just run 'frescobaldi' on the command line to
>> test the feature.
> Simon, this is probably the best configuration for the terminal.
> But frescobaldi.desktop still needs to be adjusted this way:
> Exec=sh -c 'frescobaldi'
> Do you have better ideas?
> I've added the wiki page:
> Anybody is welcomed to improve it, especially Windows users.

One question, regarding the Wiki page as well as the process in general:

Running Frescobaldi from Git needs a number of other dependencies to be met.
Am I right to assume that the suggested approach will work when
Frescobaldi has previously been installed a different way? If so this
should be clearly stated on the Wiki page.

There are two more things that should be added, but I can do that when
I'll find time:
- How to update through Git
- Use the "Git" menu to checkout different branches


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