I know this problem, IMO it’s a bug. You can work around by putting spacer rests after the \stopStaff until the next barline occurs. In your case s16*10 if I counted correctly.

Am 28.10.2015 um 21:58 schrieb Ryan Michael:
Thank you. This is almost 100% what I was trying to achieve. The only thing
that remains, if possible, is to remove the printing of the additional clef
symbol below the now solo staff with staff lines. The stop staff stops
printing the staff lines of the new staff, however the score still engraves
and extra staff symbol below each real staff with lines.

Please see attached.

On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 1:44 PM, Malte Meyn <lilyp...@maltemeyn.de> wrote:

Am 28.10.2015 um 21:26 schrieb Ryan Michael:

On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 12:52 PM, Malte Meyn <lilyp...@maltemeyn.de>

Am 28.10.2015 um 20:37 schrieb Ryan Michael:

The following is the snippet that happens *within *my single voice cello

\new Staff <<
     \new Voice = "first"
       { \voiceOne \clef treble
      aes8 ges8 <bes aes>16 <bes ges>16 d16 <bes des aes> g\harmonic\f
     \new Voice= "second"
       { \voiceTwo \clef bass \tuplet 3/2{ r4 <d,, g> r4 } r8 eih8 r16
<c g>16

You don’t create any new staves here, so this can’t be the code that
produces the score you attached. Please show the correct code or have a
look at the notation reference (search for “ossia staff”).

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[(almost) complete code here]

Use \stopStaff for stopping the second staff as Joram suggested. And to
get the music to the correct staves: You wrote

[music …] \new Staff << [upper voice] [lower voice] >> [… music]

This starts a new staff and puts both voices into that staff. The correct
solution is

[music …] << [upper voice] \new Staff { [lower voice] } >> [… music]

This puts the upper voice into the original staff and simultaneously
starts a new staff which contains the lower voice.

Here is the complete, working code:

\version "2.19.28"

cello = \relative c' {
   \set Staff.instrumentName = "Cello"
   \clef treble

   r32 r8 \grace des32
   \tuplet 3/2 {
     ees8 <des' ges> e16\p d16
   fis8 \xNote g16 bes,16

       \clef treble
       aes8 ges8 <bes aes>16 <bes ges>16 d16 <bes des aes> g\harmonic\f r16
     \new Staff {
       \clef bass \tuplet 3/2{ r4 <d,, g> r4 } r8 eih8 r16
       \xNote <c g>16

   \tuplet 3/2 8 {
     <e'' gis>16 <e gis> <e gis>
     <e gih>16 <e gih> <e gih>

\score {
   \new StaffGroup {
     \new Staff <<
   \layout { }
   \midi { }


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