Am 28.10.2015 um 21:26 schrieb Ryan Michael:
On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 12:52 PM, Malte Meyn <> wrote:
Am 28.10.2015 um 20:37 schrieb Ryan Michael:
The following is the snippet that happens *within *my single voice cello
\new Staff <<
\new Voice = "first"
{ \voiceOne \clef treble
aes8 ges8 <bes aes>16 <bes ges>16 d16 <bes des aes> g\harmonic\f r16
\new Voice= "second"
{ \voiceTwo \clef bass \tuplet 3/2{ r4 <d,, g> r4 } r8 eih8 r16
<c g>16
You don’t create any new staves here, so this can’t be the code that
produces the score you attached. Please show the correct code or have a
look at the notation reference (search for “ossia staff”).
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[(almost) complete code here]
Use \stopStaff for stopping the second staff as Joram suggested. And to
get the music to the correct staves: You wrote
[music …] \new Staff << [upper voice] [lower voice] >> [… music]
This starts a new staff and puts both voices into that staff. The
correct solution is
[music …] << [upper voice] \new Staff { [lower voice] } >> [… music]
This puts the upper voice into the original staff and simultaneously
starts a new staff which contains the lower voice.
Here is the complete, working code:
\version "2.19.28"
cello = \relative c' {
\set Staff.instrumentName = "Cello"
\clef treble
r32 r8 \grace des32
\tuplet 3/2 {
ees8 <des' ges> e16\p d16
fis8 \xNote g16 bes,16
\clef treble
aes8 ges8 <bes aes>16 <bes ges>16 d16 <bes des aes> g\harmonic\f
r16 aes16
\new Staff {
\clef bass \tuplet 3/2{ r4 <d,, g> r4 } r8 eih8 r16
\xNote <c g>16
\tuplet 3/2 8 {
<e'' gis>16 <e gis> <e gis>
<e gih>16 <e gih> <e gih>
\score {
\new StaffGroup {
\new Staff <<
\layout { }
\midi { }
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