Laura Conrad <> writes:

>>>>>> "David" == David Kastrup <> writes:
>     David> Huh.  I just committed midi-kbd.el to ELPA, the official
>     David> Emacs package archive.
> That sounded like it would be something I wanted to try,

midi-kbd.el only translates Midi input into Emacs events.  Without any
keybindings on those events, it is useless.

> so I listed the packages available and went to install it.  But it
> said it depended on emacs25.  So I installed emacs-snapshot (which is
> emacs 25.1) from an unofficial ubuntu repository, and listed the
> packages available and it doesn't have midi-kbd.

Uh.  Maybe it uses a different mirror for Emacs packages or something?
midi-kbd is brand-new in ELPA.

Try typing r into the package manager for "refreshing".

> Is it my emacs installation being inadequate, or is the package not
> configured right?
>     David> And I wanted to add the corresponding functionality to
>     David> LilyPond-mode next so that one can enter pitches and chords
>     David> into Emacs via MIDI.
> I'm currently getting MIDI entry of lilypond into emacs via
> midi-input-mode from <>.

Not Found

The requested URL /~hlub/uck/software was not found on this server.

Pity: Id have been interested in that.

> It works but has the major disadvantage that it doesn't play the MIDI
> notes as well as reading them.

The current version of lily-midi.el which I still need to fold into the
LilyPond repository does not do so either.

> The minor disadvantage is that you have to proofread carefully,
> because it's likely to decide that your F#'s are Gb's, or worse, that
> your A's are G##'s.

lily-midi.el converts the Midi events according to a "current key".  If
that key is C major, notes are

C C# D Eb E F F# G G# A Bb B

which tries to cover at least melodic A minor.  The scales it stops
working with are melodic E minor (Eb instead of D#) and Eb major (G#
instead of Ab).  If you set your current key differently, this scale is
transposed correspondingly.

The current functionality allows splitting according to Midi channels
(well, I have a Midi accordion) and works reasonably well for entering
whole chords.  It does not try guessing note durations.

And it's nederlands-only right now with regard to note input language.

David Kastrup

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