>>>>> "David" == David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> writes:

    David> Huh.  I just committed midi-kbd.el to ELPA, the official
    David> Emacs package archive.

That sounded like it would be something I wanted to try, so I listed the
packages available and went to install it.  But it said it depended on
emacs25.  So I installed emacs-snapshot (which is emacs 25.1) from an
unofficial ubuntu repository, and listed the packages available and it
doesn't have midi-kbd.

Is it my emacs installation being inadequate, or is the package not
configured right?

    David> And I wanted to add the corresponding functionality to
    David> LilyPond-mode next so that one can enter pitches and chords
    David> into Emacs via MIDI.

I'm currently getting MIDI entry of lilypond into emacs via
midi-input-mode from <http://utopia.knoware.nl/~hlub/uck/software>.  It
works but has the major disadvantage that it doesn't play the MIDI notes
as well as reading them.  The minor disadvantage is that you have to
proofread carefully, because it's likely to decide that your F#'s are
Gb's, or worse, that your A's are G##'s.

Laura   (mailto:lcon...@laymusic.org)
(617) 661-8097  233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139   
<http://www.laymusic.org/> <http://www.serpentpublications.org>

With all these books, as with any on the subject, do not expect to
turn yourself into an expert via the printed word alone.  You can
commit to memory everything Lichine has to say about Gevrey-Chambertin
and still have no idea whether you would like the wine.

Kingsley Amis, _On Drink_

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