Robin Bannister <rcb <at>> writes:

> Thomas WillNot wrote:
> >  I looked for settings in Acrobat Reader and found none.
> >
> > Please let me know if this functionality is possible in 
> > Microsoft Windows.
> It is possible (without resorting to Frescobaldi).
> But there doesn't seem to be a standard way to set it up.
Frescobaldi is quite good, so it would be my first recommendation
unless a new user already has a favorite test editor.

Connecting point-and-click to your favorite text editor is not fun.

> The most direct point-and-click connection involves:
> A: the pdf program sending the textedit URL
> B: having a custom Windows 'URL Protocol' tell your editor
> C: your editor going to the right place
A is done automatically by Acrobat Reader; SumatraPDF does if you add
'textedit' to the LinkProtocols in a .ini file described in the docs

B is stored in the Windows registry.  The LilyPond installer installs
a Scheme script, but I could never get it to work so I wrote my own
(and have to re-install it after every upgrade of LilyPond)

C is done by converting the textedit fields to the command for your
editor.  Instead of LilyPond's Scheme, I use a DOS script:

@echo off
rem This is file D:\bin\textedit.cmd 
rem Registry entry HLKM\Software\classes\textedit\shell\open\command
rem contains   "D:\bin\textedit.cmd"  "%1"
FOR /F "tokens=1,2* delims=:/" %%a IN (%1) DO set address=%%c& \
 set drive=%%b
FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=:" %%a IN ("%address%") DO \
"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Vim\vim74\gvim" --remote-silent +%%b %drive%:/%%a \
& "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Vim\vim74\gvim" --remote-send "%%d|"

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