Thomas WillNot wrote:
 I looked for settings in Acrobat Reader and found none.

Please let me know if this functionality is possible in Microsoft Windows.

It is possible (without resorting to Frescobaldi).
But there doesn't seem to be a standard way to set it up.

The most direct point-and-click connection involves:

A: the pdf program sending the textedit URL
B: having a custom Windows 'URL Protocol' tell your editor
C: your editor going to the right place

This does not involve a browser.
You may need some scripting glue between B and C.

The first thing you need to do is stop trying with Adobe Reader.
It expects all URLs to be http. See my notes on this [ARnok.txt]

Try out Sumatra instead, and modify it as Arnold Theresius did:

a theory why adobe reader is clunky with textedit

[1] says (undated?)
> When an attempt to load the URL is made, 
> Adobe AIR uses Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) to connect to 
> an open instance of the browser registered for URL requests. 
> If that fails, Adobe AIR falls back on Shell Execution.

So if no browser is running a browser window gets opened. 
If a browser is already running its window gets reused.
This happens unconditionally (before URL been examined).  

[2] says 
> kodelite,May 12, 2012 4:08 PM ...
> Regular http hyperlinks seem to work fine, great job! 
> However, custom url schemes still don't seem to work, 
> ...
> ...
> Pat Wibbeler, May 14, 2012 9:14 AM   in reply to kodelite
> Enhanced linking is not something we have on our immediate roadmap, 
> however, we can add your request for this feature. 

So browser is sent textedit URL and doesn't understand it.
Then AR does Shell Execution, which gets through.

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