I just tried the given commandline and found that it only works as
make Rameau/Opera/IndesGalantes1735 concert
but ends with an error message.
/home/mydirectory/nenuvar-master/common/markup.ily:660:6: Unbound
variable: location
make: *** [Rameau/Opera/IndesGalantes1735] Error 1
May be that is an error with the actual lilypond version in markup.ily?
A question for the experts.
Have fun and success!
On 22.09.2015 16:48, BB wrote:
Some follow up with a guess:
If you only load a segment of that bunch of directories the structure
of directories and files might be not fit to the structure expected in
the Makefile. You can read the Makefiles with a text editor and adapt
it. I have done that last time five years ago and are not keen to do
that again.
On 22.09.2015 16:43, BB wrote:
I think I might be wrong with the rights ?
Bit try the following:
Download files from
unpack the tared/zipped file
And read the last lines on the githup page:
To get the list of possible targets, try:
$ grep -e "^[^ .]*:" Makefile
For instance, to build Les Indes Galantes full score:
$ make Rameau/Opera/IndesGalantes1735-concert
To make the violin/flute/oboe part:
$ make Rameau/Opera/IndesGalantes1735-dessus
I you do that you get a long list of possible targets for make.
Nicolas Sceaux <nicolas.sce...@free.fr>
On 22.09.2015 16:16, BB wrote:
If you investigate the rights of the Makefile you will find that
they are read and write but NOT execute. To excute it, you have to
make it executable.
May be that is not the only problem but I think the first of
propably many following ...
On 22.09.2015 11:51, Simon Albrecht wrote:
On 22.09.2015 08:26, Martin Tarenskeen wrote:
On Tue, 22 Sep 2015, Martin Tarenskeen wrote:
The Messiah score is compiled using a Makefile. If you have GNU
make installed on your system, just go inside the "Messiah"
directory and type
on the commandline and then everything should be compiled.
Well, that's what I hoped for, but it doesn't
I also tried that, but I think the problem is Nicolas’ use of
library files outside the Messiah directory, which are not
available now.
~ Simon
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