Am 09.09.2015 um 16:55 schrieb
The score is as is, but if anyone have tips on how to make it look
better, please advise me.
Can’t do so without PDF :-)
Sorry, it's here:
Some remarks:
– In choral music by convention the dynamics, sometimes also
articulations, phrasing slurs &c. are placed above the staff, at least
if a lyrics line follows below. This often allows to save vertical space
and more importantly it brings the lyrics closer to the associated
staff. So: \dynamicUp
– A similarly standard convention: don’t beam notes outside melismata.
That means: \autoBeamOff, manual beams with melismata. This convention
has only been put aside in the 20th century for music with great
rhythmic complexity, where beaming is necessary for legibility.
– Why not use \RemoveEmptyStaves, at best along with fitting line breaks
e.g. Agnus Dei, before m.32 and 45?
– You might be interested in
placing the ambitus after clef and key signature (see also issue 4396).
It leaves less of an unsightly gap and it makes more sense.
HTH, Simon
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