tisimst <tisimst.lilyp...@gmail.com> writes:

> On 8/21/2015 5:40 AM, Andrew Bernard [via Lilypond] wrote:
>> ...
>> I am sorry this is not the technical answer you require, but part of 
>> your answer is that lilypond can't irregularise (I am going to make 
>> this a new word) scores, out of the box, as it stands now.
> Andrew and Sharon, et al,
> To say that it can't do this "out of the box" is definitely true. To say 
> that it just plain "can't" is definitely NOT true. I created a 
> stylesheet that applied the irregularization (ha! I created a new word 
> based on yours!) to just about everything--clefs, noteheads, stems, 
> flags, slurs, etc--to give it that human-touched feel. It worked pretty 
> well. There was one oddity I encountered in the process, though. When I 
> irregularized the flags, I noticed that a flag is printed for EVERY note 
> within the same chord! Crazy, I know. Sounds like an unnecessary thing 
> if you ask me.

Sounds like an undiscovered bug if you ask me.

> that is where you see the glyph multiplicity. Under "normal" usage,
> this isn't a problem. But still, it seems like something that isn't
> needed.

If nothing else, it is costly.  And it messes up antialiasing in PDF
previewers if you overprint material repeatedly (it gets fatter).  And
likely increases PDF size.

David Kastrup

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