You've asked the exact same thing on stack exchange! Did you actually ignore 
all the helpful comments from users there? A couple of days ago, you complained 
on this list how SE users give you a hard time - like suggesting to get a at 
least rudimentary understanding of musical notation before writing music. 
So, here's how you get rid of your accitentals: Just pray them away.


Truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it.
-- Flannery O'Connor

> On 23 Jul 2015, at 18:33, Brother Gabriel-Marie <> wrote:
> When you use key signatures like A major or B Major you end up with a lot of 
> naturals in the score for which you may have to manually add sharps.
> Is there a switch that will automatically sharp all the naturals?
> I was looking at this:
> This was the closest I could see:
> \accidentalStyle modern
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