Hi All,
My recent question about Partial Bars in the middle of a "piece" has stirred up a slew of other problems and questions. Here is an example of the solution I used with Beethoven's Menuet in G thanks to Stephen MacNeil.

Version 2.18.2
 %Last bar of Part A which is in 3/4 time

<g e>8( <fs d>) <fs d>( <a fs>) <g e>( <e cs>) | %Bar 7
  \set Score.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 2/4)
  d4 r4 } %Bar 8

   % PART B
  \repeat volta 2 {
  \set Score.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 2/8)
  d'8( g\mf) |% Bar 9
  \set Score.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 3/4)
  <g d>4( <fs c> <g b,> | %Bar 10
% etc etc

Note that there is a new bar number for every bar.

Learning new stuff every day!
Hope this helps

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