Very good example. However, I have two major points to make here:
– As Lily correctly handles it, both alternatives always start at the
same bar number (at least in this convention counting repeats only
once). Thus, the close of the minuet would have bar 16a for the first,
16b for the second alternative and (16b) for the partial measure opening
the trio. (The other convention to which I’m alluding would have 24, 32,
and (32) respectively, but that isn’t yet supported by Lily.)
– The second alternatives closing both Minuet and Trio need a \set
Timing.measurePosition = #(ly:make-moment 0) at the beginning. With your score, I get two failing bar checks. This workaround is documented
– And a small, unrelated remark: the upbeat for the Trio should read r8
r4, not the other way round :-)
Correct version attached.
Yours, Simon
Am 03.07.2015 um 09:06 schrieb David Kastrup:
Pierre Perol-Schneider <> writes:
Oops! here again.
Try the following example:
Your problem was that you declared partial bars at the end of each
movement to be "complete" and gave them bar checks and whole-bar rests.
That's not going to fly with LilyPond. It _is_ actually possible to
make LilyPond treat them like that, but then you have to declare the
length of the bar at its _start_ by using \partial on it. Here is how
to do that:
The latter version lets you use a "full-bar rest" at its end (but I
think that is a rather bad idea since the reader will have a hard time
figuring out its actual length) and will result in more measures since
then the partial bar at the start of the second movement gets its own
measure number. I'm not convinced that is a good idea either but then
it's probably a question of what was written in the original.
lilypond-user mailing list
%% =>
\version "2.18.2"
global = {
\time 3/4
\key g\major
menuet = {
\repeat volta 2 {
% mes.0
\partial 4 r4 |
% mes.1-7
% mes.8a
r2 % <= no barcheck (incomplete measure)
\repeat volta 2 {
% mes.8b
r4 | % <= barcheck (end of measure 8)
% mes.9-15
\alternative {
% mes.16
r2 % <= no barcheck (incomplete measure)
\tweak direction #DOWN
\tweak self-alignment-X #RIGHT
\mark\markup\small\italic "Fine."
% mes.17a
\set Timing.measurePosition = #(ly:make-moment 0)
r4 r8 % <= no barcheck (incomplete measure)
\tempo "Trio"
\repeat volta 2 {
% mes.17b
r8 r4 | % <= barcheck (end of measure 17)
% mes.18-24
% mes.25a
r2 % <= no barcheck (incomplete measure)
\repeat volta 2 {
% mes.25b
r4 | % <= barcheck (end of measure 25)
% mes.26-32
\alternative {
% mes.33
r4 r8 % <= no barcheck (incomplete measure 33)
% mes.34
\set Timing.measurePosition = #(ly:make-moment 0)
r2 % <= no barcheck (incomplete measure 34)
%% D.C.
\tweak direction #DOWN
\tweak self-alignment-X #RIGHT
\mark\markup\small\italic "D.C. al Fine."
\bar "|."
\header {
title = "Six Minuets"
composer = "Ludwig van Beethoven"
opus = "WoO 10"
piece = "Menuet No.2"
\score {
\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff = "RH" { \clef G \global \menuet }
\new Staff = "LH" { \clef F \global \menuet }
\layout {
system-count = 5
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