Hi David,

> Pop music in the U.S.A. may be the monetary epicentre of the musical
> universe, but most of LilyPond's developer base are rather removed from
> there.

I must disappoint you, I'm a Berlin jazz pianist that just happens to do
some studio work. Since, apart from the classical scene, German-produced
music has only domestic relevance, it's not necessarily where the really
big bucks are.

> Sentences like "I think it would be great if Lilypond could" rarely lead
> anywhere in a volunteer-driven project since they imply that unnamed
> others should be willing to invest more time and effort into bringing
> such support into being than you yourself would, and that tends to be
> not a realistic expectation.

Well, I'm definitely willing to do my part. It's just that I'm not a
Scheme expert and the last time I was more deeply involved in Lilypond
coding was for the 1.8 version. (I wrote the original Ignatzek – who was
one of my piano teachers, btw – chord naming routine.)

As long as you don't mind me asking questions, especially on
poorly-documented functions, I believe we can get along and get
Nashville chord charts supported in a viable timeframe.

Kind regards,


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