Hi Simon,

> gives exactly the layout of your example. This is the standard way.

Actually, if you notice, the layouts are different: in the OP’s image, the top 
two voices are vertically aligned, and the low voice is shifted right; in your 
example (at least here on my Lily), the top and low voice are aligned and the 
middle voice is shifted left.

Curiously, switching voices as

\version "2.19.20"

   \time 3/2
   \key d \minor
   { \voiceOne g''2 e'' d''8 cis'' d''4 }
   { \voiceTwo d''2 bes' b' }
   { \voiceFour g'2 g' f' }

results in a “left-shifted” voicing that closely resembles what the 
Satie-engraving did.  =)

In any case, it would be great to have a setting like

    Context.voice-shifting = #’(3 1 2 4)

where one simply gives a list of the left-to-right order of voice placement to 
be observed if any shifting is required.



Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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