> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andrew Bernard [mailto:andrew.bern...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Saturday, June 13, 2015 3:49 AM
> To: Daniel Rosen; lilypond-user@gnu.org
> Subject: RE: "Assertion failed!"
> Can you see if this works in 2.19.20? [Based on my hypothesis that 2.19.21
> has regressed something, or introduced a bunch of defects.]

Using 2.19.20, I compiled

\version "2.19.20"
\new Voice \with { \consists "Balloon_engraver" } {
  \balloonGrobText #'Stem #'(3 . 3) \markup { "I'm a Stem" }

While I no longer get the dialog I reported originally, I do get the attached 
PDF output, which is equally problematic.

I'll go ahead and create a bug report.


Attachment: document.pdf
Description: document.pdf

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