Laura Conrad <> writes:

>>>>>> "Federico" == Federico Bruni <> writes:
>     Federico> Does anybody here use point-and-click from an external PDF 
> viewer
>     Federico> (either Evince or Xpdf) to the lilypond editor?
> I've been using point-and-click between Xpdf and emacs for years.  I've
> thought of switching to evince, especially when the xpdf in the ubuntu
> repository was broken, but haven't seen enough benefit to be worth the
> trouble.
> The reason I install lilypond from the lilypond site instead of the
> Ubuntu repository is that at one point the Ubuntu version had broken
> point-and-click.  I believe I reported it, but never checked whether
> it had been fixed.

It remained broken for more than a year, but yes, it got fixed

> So if someone's having trouble with it, it's probably worth installing
> lilypond directly instead of via a package manager.

Should never make a difference.  I don't think that we ever bundled
Xpdf, and on the LilyPond side, nothing was ever broken.

David Kastrup

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