Same with me (evince on Debian/Gnome). I've given up on this long time ago. 

Am 6. Juni 2015 11:16:26 MESZ, schrieb Peter Bjuhr <>:
>On 2015-06-06 10:40, Federico Bruni wrote:
>> Does anybody here use point-and-click from an external PDF viewer 
>> (either Evince or Xpdf) to the lilypond editor?
>> I find it useful when transcribing from a PDF manuscript, because I 
>> can organize three different windows (manuscript, PDF preview and 
>> lilypond editor) to work and compare.
>> I've tried several editors but none works correctly: 
>I did a quick test. I'm on Ubuntu 15.04, Evince is called Document 
>Viewer. But what I understand it's the same. I'm sure it has worked in 
>the past, but now I get an error already in the viewer: "Unable to open
>external link".
>I tried the instructions here: 
>But it didn't help.
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