Thankyou David but how is color associated with NoteHead? I hope these ramblings of a gnarled old scheme/Lily tyro can be of general interest.... I'm guessing that 'tweaks is some sort of switch to open up properties of the current music object. In this case "pitch" is a property of 'NoteEvent and I'm guessing that color here is just NoteHead colour not NoteStem because NoteStem is not within the NoteEvent including 'pitch. NoteStem color may be available in a tweak of another music object or possibly supplied by another bit of code (engraver??). I do not know how code a "tweak" for stem color (apart from an override in the Lily .ly file) maybe you can't (anyway I don't want to). Also AFSIU "ly:music-property" extracts various elements of the current music item (possibly contained in a deeper Lily code), and allows user scheme to extract data from the current music object. ly:music-set-property! does the reverse? This part of my script kindly supplied by Thomas Morley (if (ly:pitch? p) (let ((new-pitch (naturalize-instrument-range p instrument))) (ly:music-set-property! music 'pitch new-pitch) (if (and (not (equal? p new-pitch)) (color? my-color)) (ly:music-set-property! music 'tweaks (acons 'color my-color (ly:music-property music 'tweaks))))))
In line 3 a pitch is written to the music event it may be the old pitch or a new pitch. In line 4 further action is taken if the pitch has been changed, first the variable my-color (previously defined) is type checked In line 5 'tweaks is inserted into the current music object. lines 6 - 8 are a bit obscure somehow the current color is replaced by my-color but how? Cannot find a definition for acons but it must be a variant of cons ("consists") it occurs 8 times in snippets and once in notation and is clearly the way to "tweak" associating the Lily 'color with the user supplied color my-color. Rather confusingly the format of color has many guises (x11-color 'red), (1 0 0), simply 'red (no pun intended) and notehead colour can also be approached via a grob. The notehead grob must be somehow implied in the (make-music ..... Various different approaches to Notehead color are evident in the snippet repositry agin not much detailed explanation is to be found. upline = #(let ((m (make-articulation "stopped"))) (set! (ly:music-property m 'tweaks) (acons 'font-size 3 (acons 'stencil (lambda (grob) (grob-interpret-markup grob (make-draw-line-markup '(0 . 1)))) (ly:music-property m 'tweaks)))) m) \relative c' { a'4^\upline a( c d')_\upline } which results in (make-music 'RelativeOctaveMusic 'element (make-music 'SequentialMusic 'elements (list (make-music 'NoteEvent 'articulations (list (make-music 'ArticulationEvent 'direction 1 'tweaks (list (cons (quote font-size) 3) (cons (quote stencil) #<procedure #f (grob)>)) 'articulation-type "stopped")) 'duration (ly:make-duration 2) 'pitch (ly:make-pitch 0 5)) (make-music 'NoteEvent 'articulations (list (make-music 'SlurEvent 'span-direction -1)) 'duration (ly:make-duration 2) 'pitch (ly:make-pitch 0 5)) (make-music 'NoteEvent 'pitch (ly:make-pitch 1 0) 'duration (ly:make-duration 2)) (make-music 'NoteEvent 'articulations (list (make-music 'SlurEvent 'span-direction 1) (make-music 'ArticulationEvent 'direction -1 'tweaks (list (cons (quote font-size) 3) (cons (quote stencil) #<procedure #f (grob)>)) 'articulation-type "stopped")) 'duration (ly:make-duration 2) 'pitch (ly:make-pitch 2 1))))) AFAICS tweaks are not documented properly anywhere - some of the possible tweaks are presented without detailed explanation in the notation and snippet manuals - is there another source of information? _____ From: David Nalesnik [] Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 5:51 PM To: Peter Gentry Cc: lilypond-user; Thomas Morley Subject: Re: Notehead color on programmed pitch change On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 4:15 AM, Peter Gentry <> wrote: [...] (make-music 'SequentialMusic 'elements (list (make-music 'NoteEvent 'duration (ly:make-duration 0) 'pitch (ly:make-pitch 0 0)) (make-music 'NoteEvent 'tweaks (list (list (quote color) 1.0 0.0 0.0)) [...] Still not sure how to interpret (list (list....... But as long as Lily does.....:) We're simply creating a nested list: (list (quote color) 1.0 0.0 0.0) ==> (color 1.0 0.0 0.0) (list (list (quote color) 1.0 0.0 0.0)) ==> ((color 1.0 0.0 0.0)) By the way, (quote color) is just "longhand" for 'color Hope that helps, David
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