>-----Original Message-----
>From: Thomas Morley [mailto:thomasmorle...@gmail.com] 
>Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 5:33 PM
>To: Peter Gentry
>Cc: lilypond-user
>Subject: Re: Subject: Re: Notehead color on programmed pitch change
>2015-05-26 18:09 GMT+02:00 Peter Gentry <peter.gen...@sunscales.co.uk>:
>> Thanks very much for your solution - I'm not yet sure why it 
>> works...how does 'tweaks know about notehead color? All very baffling
>Well, most (every?) music-event may be tweaked.
>Look at the terminal-output from:
>  \tweak color #red c''1
>My code adds this tweak to the NoteEvent under certain conditions.
>> Outlook strikes again - try this
>Well, perhaps you'll have success persuading outlook to keep 
>your formating.
>If not I'd look out for another mail-program ;)
>  Harm

Thanks for the pointer...

I tried this
  \tweak color #red c''1

And the log gives

  (list (make-music
          (ly:make-duration 0)
          (ly:make-pitch 0 0))
          (list (list (quote color) 1.0 0.0 0.0))
          (ly:make-duration 0)
          (ly:make-pitch 1 0))))

Maybe this use of \tweak would be useful to many people - like a door opening.

Still not sure how to interpret (list (list....... But as long as Lily 

Now to experiment with other music properties......

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