<http://lilypond.org/website/tiny-examples.html> hasn’t been referenced
in this thread. Please follow the instructions there and send us a file
typesetting just the one or two bars which contain the problem, in one file.
Yours, Simon
Am 25.04.2015 um 02:41 schrieb Anthonys Lists:
On 25/04/2015 01:08, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Hi Wol,
How do I justify markup against a note?
How about \once \override TextScript.self-alignment-X = #RIGHT ?
That's what Thomas has kindly suggested. Except it's not working for
me - his example works fine, my cut-n-paste doesn't ... what gives ???
It seems the only way to do it is to use a mark
Please don’t mix RehearsalMark grobs with TextScript grabs. Use the
correct one for the correct circumstance, and adjust/tweak as necessary.
I know it's not a good idea, I'm clutching at straws here ... it's
just so damn frustrating :-(
Hope this helps!
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