\version "2.18.0" \include "english.ly" %{
> From: Anthonys Lists <antli...@youngman.org.uk> > Subject: Fixing overlapping notation > > I have seven bars rest in a part. I want some markup starting at the > first barline, and different markup ending at the last barline. If a > part has notes, those markups will separate horizontally naturally - how > can I force that to happen when there's that rest? I think that you can use the "null chord" ( <> ) wherever you want to insert markup at a particular horizontal place in the score. You might still have to tweak the horizontal placement--I'm not sure if you intend that the marking at the end of the rest is right-justified with the end of the barline. %} myMelody = \relative c'' { \compressFullBarRests <>^"Begin" R1*7 <>-\tweak self-alignment-X #RIGHT ^"End" c32\fff ef16-> ef ef c32 c32 ef16-> ef ef c32 c32 ef16-> ef ef c32 c32 ef16-> ef ef c32-. } \new Staff { \myMelody } %{ > And secondly, I want a coda sign at the end of an alternative. Of > course, it collides with the repeat spanner :-( The problem with the > docu or lsr snippet I found (can't remember which) was (a) it supposedly > shortened all spanners - which I don't want - and (b) I couldn't get it > to work anyway. I do have a different \alternative example that > explicity codes each spanner without actually using "\alternative", but > I couldn't get that to work either. > > Cheers, > Wol How about a short example? I'll bet you can use the same approach. HTH, David Elaine Alt 415 . 341 .4954 "*Confusion is highly underrated*" ela...@flaminghakama.com self-immolation.info skype: flaming_hakama Producer ~ Composer ~ Instrumentalist -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- %}
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