Am 23.04.2015 um 20:06 schrieb David Nalesnik:
If you wish a lily-feature not yet available.
1. Look into our bug-tracker. Maybe there is an issue for it already.
You may want to comment there.
2. If not, mail to our bug-list requesting this feature. This way it
does not get lost.
No guarantee that anyone will work on it, though. Our amount of
developers is very limited.
Also, very often other problems are more pressing. Right now: our
bug-tracker will shut down and we need to move to guilev2 (no warrant
for completeness...)
If you are a programmer, have coding-experience or even only a good
knowledge of standard-LilyPond.
Please consider what you may be able to contribute.
A patch?
Answering user-request?
All that would help.
Please, please, pretty please. The activity on the lists is
excellent--what a great community to be part of! However, the number
of people who contribute to the codebase is incredibly
small--frighteningly small for anyone who loves this program and wants
to see it survive and prosper, as we all do!
Take a look here to see development activities, how few people are
actively involved:
If you have a great idea, please consider working on it yourself.
Especially if you self-identify as a programmer--and I suspect there
are plenty who frequent the lists. I say this because there's a good
chance your good idea will go absolutely nowhere otherwise.
(Please take this as a plea for more help with the project! It is not
intended to downplay the efforts by the contributors to this thread.)
We are discussing so much right now, it would be really a pity if very
little or even nothing would emerge from this. I can only second David's
plea. If everybody who participates/d in one or more of the current
discussions would "adopt" at least one topic, how small it is, we'd
already have some giid outcome.
If you aren't a programmer don't hesitate to do soemthing different.
Several topic have appeared that would require compiling lists of
information or wishes or roadmaps - this is something that
non-developers could do and put on a Wiki page somewhere.
Or: it would be very good if someone could take the responsibility to go
through the discussion threads and "harvest" anything interesting so no
good ideas or complaints get lost.. This could also be put on a Wiki
page somewhere.
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