Hi Federico (et al.),

> Possible advantages:
> - you, as a typesetter, may be allowed to submit lilypond projects to them. I 
> don't know this market but I guess that a publishing company wants to own the 
> source files (they can understand and edit) and not just the PDF.

The smaller and/or younger the house, the more likely they’ll accept PDFs — 
they simply “pass them through” for reprinting and selling.

That being said, if I started a publishing house today, I wouldn’t accept 99% 
of the PDFs I see from *any* application, Lilypond included: they’re just not 
up to my standards.

> - if they use LilyPond they may be interested in sponsoring some features.


> - if LilyPond was used by some of the major publishing companies, it would 
> get a better "status" and be accepted in music schools.


> If more students learned using lilypond, they might contribute to Mutopia.

As mentioned before, this effect is of little interest to me… but if it helps 
the larger ‘Pond, I’m all for it!


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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