Hi Paul

2015-04-18 21:22 GMT+02:00 Paul Morris <p...@paulwmorris.com>:

> Hi Pierre,
> Looking at this some more I see how it would really be handy for working
> with paths in LilyPond.  Thanks for creating it and sharing it!  I made
> some revisions to the code in the graph-paper file, simplifying things.
> See attached.

Thank you Paul!
Much shorter for sure ;) I'll take a closer look tonight

> I’ve had good luck with a different approach: rendering a glyph to SVG
> with LilyPond (possibly scaling it up by a factor of 10 with
> \magnifyStaff), editing it with InkScape (scaling it back down), then
> opening the .svg file in a text editor, and cutting and pasting the path
> coordinates into a LilyPond file as a path stencil.
> Usually it’s not a direct cut and paste, some formatting may be needed.
> This svg transformation tool is handy for that:
> http://petercollingridge.appspot.com/svg_transforms
> For example, the code below shows a slightly modified whole note glyph
> created using this process.  So I imagine I’ll probably stick with this
> approach for the most part, but it’s good to have solid tools for other
> options!

Very interesting, thanks for the tip!

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