Hi Pierre, Looking at this some more I see how it would really be handy for working with paths in LilyPond. Thanks for creating it and sharing it! I made some revisions to the code in the graph-paper file, simplifying things. See attached.
I’ve had good luck with a different approach: rendering a glyph to SVG with LilyPond (possibly scaling it up by a factor of 10 with \magnifyStaff), editing it with InkScape (scaling it back down), then opening the .svg file in a text editor, and cutting and pasting the path coordinates into a LilyPond file as a path stencil. Usually it’s not a direct cut and paste, some formatting may be needed. This svg transformation tool is handy for that: http://petercollingridge.appspot.com/svg_transforms For example, the code below shows a slightly modified whole note glyph created using this process. So I imagine I’ll probably stick with this approach for the most part, but it’s good to have solid tools for other options! Cheers, -Paul
Description: Binary data
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \version "2.19.18" % default whole note as path coordinates \markup \stencil #(make-path-stencil '(M 217 114 c -50 0 -71 -42 -71 -88 c 0 -79 60 -140 139 -140 c 50 0 70 42 70 88 c 0 79 -59 140 -138 140 z M 501 0 c 0 -43 -34 -75 -73 -96 c -54 -29 -116 -40 -177 -40 c 0 0 -124 11 -178 40 c -39 21 -73 53 -73 96 c 0 43 34 75 73 96 c 54 29 117 40 178 40 c 0 0 123 -11 177 -40 c 39 -21 73 -53 73 -96 z) 0.0001 0.004 0.004 #t) % revised version via Inkscape \markup \stencil #(make-path-stencil '(M 1.06033904 -0.36566768 C 1.24701856 -0.36566768 1.32542384 -0.2688184 1.32542384 -0.09707328 C 1.32542384 0.19788 1.10140848 0.36566752 0.80645504 0.36566752 C 0.61977552 0.36566752 0.545104 0.26881824 0.545104 0.09707312 C 0.545104 -0.19788016 0.7653856 -0.36566768 1.06033904 -0.36566768 Z M 0 0 C 0 0.16054432 0.12694192 0.28001904 0.272552 0.35842432 C 0.47416576 0.4666984 0.70564816 0.50776784 0.93339712 0.50776784 C 1.16114576 0.50776784 1.39636192 0.4666984 1.59797568 0.35842432 C 1.74358576 0.28001904 1.87052768 0.16054432 1.87052768 0 C 1.87052768 -0.16054432 1.74358576 -0.2800192 1.59797568 -0.35842448 C 1.39636192 -0.46669856 1.16114592 -0.507768 0.93339712 -0.507768 C 0.70564816 -0.507768 0.47416576 -0.46669856 0.272552 -0.35842448 C 0.12694192 -0.2800192 0 -0.16054432 0 0 Z) 0.0001 1 1 #t)
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