Hi Calixte,

it should be possible to create an engraver that solves this. The
following things to keep in mind for that:

You can set the properties, which trigger melismas
\set melismaBusyProperties = #'(melismaBusy slurMelismaBusy
tieMelismaBusy beamMelismaBusy)

If slurMelismaBusy and beamMelismaBusy are *not* set, an engraver could
pick up the (Staff-)context-property 'melismaBusy and add slurs/beams

Unfortunately I don't have time to do it now, but perhaps someone else
is able to?

I'd say it would be a good feature netherless I prefer the traditional


Am 17.04.2015 um 11:05 schrieb Calixte Faure:
> Hi everyone!
> Traditionally, vocal scores are written without beams, except for melisma.
> But modern scores tend to keep beams everywhere and put slurs to
> indicate melisma.
> Is it possible to have both output with one source, without complicating
> the typesetting?
> I have this in mind :
> vocal = \relative c'{
>   c4 d8 e f[ g] a4
> }
> and a magic command (say \beamToSlur) would switch [ ] to ( ).
> Maybe it is a weird/nitpicking question…? What do you think?
> Thanks,
> Calixte.
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